How Beaverbrooks is helping communities, charities and front-line key workers — The Beaverbrooks Journal
How Beaverbrooks Is Helping Communities, Charities & Front-line Key Workers

How Beaverbrooks Is Helping Communities, Charities & Front-line Key Workers

At Beaverbrooks, we’ve always wanted to make a positive difference. In fact, it’s our core purpose as a business; to enrich lives – which simply means making a positive difference to the world we live in, our colleagues, our customers and the wider community.

Anna Blackburn, our Managing Director, and Mark Adlestone, our Chairman.

Anna Blackburn, our Managing Director, and Mark Adlestone, our Chairman.

One of the ways we enrich lives is through our charity work. We are very proud to be able to support over 250 charities every year and to give people the opportunity to support the causes close to their hearts. Since the year 2000, we’ve donated over £15 million to over 750 different charities through the Beaverbrooks Charitable Trust.

This is down to all our amazing colleagues who give their time to volunteer, fundraise and support charities, big and small, up and down the country.

Although strange, this year has been no different for the Beaverbrooks family. We’ve been busy adapting, finding new ways to support our communities and our front-line keyworkers, ensuring we can #ShareTheLove in new ways.

We hope some of these stories inspire others to do the same and #ShareTheLove!

Our donation to the NHS Charities Together - Covid-19 Urgent Appeal

The Beaverbrooks Charitable Trust donated £25,000 to the NHS Charities Together – Covid-19 Urgent Appeal and we wanted to explain why we chose this particular charity to donate to.

NHS Charities Together is a collective, representing, supporting and championing the work of the NHS’ official charities. It represents 140 member NHS Charities throughout the UK. 

Funds raised for this specific Covid-19 Appeal will help support the health and wellbeing of NHS staff and volunteers supporting COVID-19 patients, as well as supporting the NHS in ways above and beyond that which core NHS funding can ordinarily provide.

“Our Charity Team spent a lot of time researching different charities to ensure our donation was going to the right place. We’re really happy we decided on NHS Charities Together – Covid-19 Urgent Appeal, because we know the money will be going to those on the front-line who need it most.

“It supports 140 hospital trusts across the UK, and we work with many of these locally already, so we know the money will be put to good use.”Anna Blackburn, Managing Director

I’m so proud to see a lot of our colleagues continuing to help the many charities they were already were actively so involved with, as well as them choosing to support others at this time, including the NHS Charities Together Appeal” Susie Nicholas, Charity Manager

We know many people want to give their support during this time and the NHS Charities Together – Covid-19 Urgent Appeal is definitely one we’d recommend.

“Big Night In” charities will receive over £25,000 from Beaverbrooks, thanks to our people, our match-funding and the government

Nearly 7 million of us tuned into BBC One’s Big Night In, which merged charities Comic Relief and Children In Need to raise funds for charities and projects on the front-line across the UK.

These charities will receive in excess of £25,000 from Beaverbrooks colleagues, thanks to the Beaverbrooks Charitable Trust matching all money donated by our colleagues, the government also matching all money raised and the additional Gift Aid donations.

We’re proud to say that over 300 of our Beaverbrooks family donated to the Big Night In – go team Beaverbrooks!

Ways Beaverbrooks colleagues have been helping to make a positive difference

We’ve been blown away by the generosity of the nation and the amazing things people are doing to help their communities.

Here are just some examples of our Beaverbrooks family helping to make a positive difference at the moment…

Chloe, one of our Buyers, is busy delivering meals every week to hospitals in London and she’s also making personalised bracelets to raise money for the National Emergencies Trust.

Sharon, from our Gyle store, dusted off her sewing machine and has been making scrubs for the NHS workers at her local hospital.

Suzie from our Metro store is collecting and delivering “Kindness Kits” for local charity FACT (Fighting All Cancers Together).

Lots of our colleagues, including Annabel from our Norwich store, are still giving blood. Annabel actually ended up giving blood on the same date as her original wedding date. We call that fate!

Calling all hearts of gold…

It’s not just Beaverbrooks colleagues we’ve seen doing extraordinary things. As part of our #ShareTheLove campaign, we’ve been so inspired seeing all the amazing stories, celebrations and moments happening across the country.

From celebrating birthdays in creative ways to communities coming together, discover all the wonderful stories on our #ShareTheLove hub.

And, we want to celebrate and reward any hearts of gold out there. If you know someone with a heart of gold or a local hero, nominate them and they could receive a £100 Beaverbrooks gift card.

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